Twitter's Blue Check Fiasco Is Worse Than You Think

Twitter's Blue Check Fiasco Is Worse Than You Think
"The greatest bargain in the world is something that was free 24 hours ago."
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Does anyone know what the game plan is? The people I used to know at Twitter were fired after Elon took over, and since then it's been more miss than hit. Twitter finally purged its cache of legacy blue check accounts, which means that now anyone with a blue badge on the website is willingly paying an $8 monthly subscription fee.

While being a patron is always good, and should be rewarded, sure, now there's no discernible way to determine if celebs are who they say they are on the app. Go all the way back, it started when Shaq put his foot down, because scammers where using his likeness. Fast forward 15 years later and we're back to square one. But now things have changed. Pop stars don't care, neither do some soccer stars.

I'm not here to argue with people. The takes have been wild enough. The site was bought so that he could destroy it. Sure. I'd like to point out to you all the loud-mouths who are still behind these ideas. Twitter wasn't perfect, but its parts worked and could be improved upon. Then came in a bunch of people who thought they could fix it and take it to new heights.

Less than 50 people (out of roughly 400,000) who lost their legacy blue check marks purchased a subscription. And we're not sure if the three people Musk is paying for out of pocket (LeBron James, William Shatner and Stephen King) are included in that.

Now the fun begins. There's clearly a divide, and Elon will try his best to convince people to spend around $90 a year to have a blue check mark, the ability to edit tweets and post 10,000-word messages on the app, and his besties will follow the script too. Enjoy Twitter before it becomes a graveyard of memes and prompts.

Still love you Jeff.

See ya.


  1. juice electric 1 year ago

    Meanwhile -

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