This Reddit Thread About The Easiest Way To Ruin Your Life Is A Sobering Dose Of Reality
If you eat right, exercise, refrain from using hard drugs and generally make good life decisions, things will probably work out all right.
On the other hand, if you do everything in this viral Reddit thread, your life could quickly spiral out of control.
Redditor u/sdijcf asked r/AskReddit about the easiest ways to wreck your life, and the community enthusiastically obliged with some truly rough answers.
We rounded up some of the best responses from the thread.
Having A Baby To Save Your Marriage
Getting Engaged/Married To Save Your Relationship
Going Deep Into Debt
Apart from drugs, mismanaged credit. So many people I know could have fairly decent lives with their income, but instead are buried in credit card debt and bank loans, many of them even have high incomes.
Just one example, family friend, university degree in chemistry, stable job but drives a 1994 cavalier in the worst conditions. Her brother died and she got enough money to put a huge downpayment into an apartment (70 to 80%) and pay some major debts. Kept saying it was too small and ended up getting more debt and the money vanished.
It is very easy to get crazy high limits on credit cards but too many people treat them like free money.
Hanging Out With The Wrong Friends
Having A Negative Attitude
Using Hard Drugs
Becoming Addicted To Gambling
Picking The Wrong Partner
Self Loathing
[Read more about the easiest ways to screw up your life on r/AskReddit]