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How Do I Recreate Hotel Sex With My Wife At Home, And Other Rocky Relationship Stories

How Do I Recreate Hotel Sex With My Wife At Home, And Other Rocky Relationship Stories
A woman considers joining her cousin's revenge baby announcement for a couple that ruined her wedding.
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The following relationship "advice" is purely satirical and meant for entertainment purposes only β€” please do not cite us in divorce court.

Each week, we'll be rounding up the internet's most interesting relationship questions and chiming right in. From nightmare first dates to exploring new fetishes, we're leaving no corner of the internet unexplored.

I Think My Mother-In-Law Is Having An Affair, And I'm Bothered That My Wife Is Cool With It

Without getting into the details, I think I accidentally caught my MIL at it with my wife's friend (our age).

It was a little too much for me to handle, so I took a couple of weeks to process it before telling my wife.

My wife had an initial moment of shock because it was unexpected, but she quickly recovered and said "My mom will always be my mom. I'm not touching this with a 10-foot pole, and it's not my duty to tell my dad. For all I know, he's in on it. I find it distasteful, but it's her right to have fun".

She also didn't care at all that it was her friend who was the AP. She said they didn't need to let her know as it's their thing.

Now I know what all of you are going to say. She did handle this in a very mature way, and honestly, I wouldn't be able to handle a similar situation in such a calm and collected manner.

What bothers me is that if she's this cool about her mom possibly having an affair, would she be able to rationalize having an affair herself?

How do I think through this before having a conversation with her, and tell her that her reaction bothered me?

So this is definitely a textbook example of spiraling. Sadly, our guy here has a bit of main character syndrome too. Not only, as the protagonist, has he discovered his family tree's infidelity, but now his own marriage is also under attack by these forces of evil. Perhaps, he wanted his wife to condemn her mother and sure that's kinda understandable. However, he might be digging where he really shouldn't be and confirm what everyone in the comments said, that they have an open relationship. Yeah man, let it go, otherwise you're going to have to remove the mental image of your in-laws at sex clubs and not even two pennies and a corn chip will get you past that. Read the rest of the thread here.

My Husband (25M) Gave Me (23F) Five Kids To Care For, And I'm Overwhelmed

Me and my husband have been married for almost 3 years. He is an orphan, he was left at the hospital the day he was born and never got to know who his parents were. He was then adopted by a wealthy family and joined the military like his adoptive father wanted. This gave him a great desire to have a big family, to have his own biological children so he could have someone truly related to him in his life, but also help out troubled kids like him.

We had 2 very close pregnancies, the first of which resulted in twins, and we now have 3 babies to care for. In the meantime he managed to become a legal tutor for 2 teen boys coming from criminal or broken families who are now living with us. I need to take care of everything at home and it has become overwhelming despite all the love and affection we have for each other. His adoptive family helps us, but mine is absent from my life since before we had children. Every minute of my day necessarily goes into house chores and taking care of the family, my social life and hope to finish my education are long dead. I feel stuck in a never ending amount of work that will never be finished and that will make me miss out on meaningful experiences.

TL;DR!I am grateful for having a family that is built on common effort and love, unlike my birth family, and I dont want to be a reason of problem. But im feeling so overwhelmed and I dont know how to talk to my husband without disappointing him or making things harder for him. I just dont think im gonna be bale to get used to this, its too much work and I hate the fact that every day ends and I have not been able to even read a few pages of a book, to go out for something fun, to talk to a friend. I feel smothered.

We never had a babysitter or housekeeper, you should know he feels very strongly about making it on our own, he dislikes accepting money from his "family" (he was adopted quite late and he never calls them mom and dad, he has always felt like a guest in their house and feels like they already helped him so much) neither he likes the idea of strangers taking care of the house and the kids. He cares a lot about the fact that I should be the one doing all this, because im the person he has chosen to be his wife and not some random housekeeper. And it was fine when the amount of work was still manageable to me, but now I dont have any time left for myself, so he might need to reconsider that. I am not excited about telling him this though

Edit: I have a longer post in which I explain things more in details in case someone has questions and has the time to read that;

Don't worry, we read the extended version, and to break it down quickly: the adopted kids used to stay at the same military boarding school the father did as a kid, they have since returned to home per the father's request while still attending the school and lastly, the mom says they help out and take care of themselves.

All right, with that new context lets circle back to the comments saying the husband has a savior complex. At first, we really thought the same thing. However, in that extended version she talked about his past experience with being abused and abandoned as a kid. With all this context, it's probably fair to say he's afraid of trusting a stranger outside his adopted family to care for the children. So what's mom got to do? Take them all to Chili's with your girlfriends, they have a kid's menu for a reason. Who says a toddler can't be a designated driver. Read the rest of the thread here.

Should I Keep My Cousin's Revenge Baby Announcement A Secret?

My cousin was married just over a year ago, and unfortunately one tone-deaf self-centred "friend" and their girlfriend used the opportunity to stage a proposal. They were already engaged but planned this 'proposal event' when they saw and liked the venue, which they wouldn't be able to afford for their own wedding. When this plan came to light, they were politely but firmly asked not to do it, but main character alert, I guess. They were absolutely obnoxious about it too, stopping the reception to call a toast to themselves, and ordering everyone off the dance floor so they could have a 'proposal dance.'

Now their wedding is approaching. And my cousin is pregnant. And she has plans for her baby announcement that may just coincide with the wedding time and place. And we have a couple of close friends who know about this and are planning on bringing baby shower gifts.

I'm honestly laughing pretty hard at this perfect revenge, but it is still their wedding and maybe my cousin should just be the bigger person- or I should be a better person by intervening. I am torn between the fact that this is richly deserved, and the fact that even with cause, this is a bit of a dick move. I can't blame my cousin, and possibly it's none of my business and should not get in the middle of this, but WIBTA if I kept my mouth shut?

You aren't going to say anything. You are going to attend the wedding, you can say hello to the other guests, but you aren't going to say anything to those people. Like the comment-section, we want updates and actually if you could record a video, that would be really great. Listen, this sounds like cosmic karma and who are any of us to intervene with the universe? Be extra-salty, and make the gifts wedding-themed too and then make the bride pose with them β€” always choose chaos. Read the rest of the thread here.

How Do I (35M) Recreate Hotel Sex With My Wife (46F) At Home?

I am 35 and my wife is 46 and we have been married 10 years with no issues. At home we have sex like twice a month and I get a few bjs which is completely fine with me.

Whenever we are at a hotel on vacation we have sex like twice a day at least and she does stuff she never does at home (lets me cum in her mouth, anal, lets me take pics and videos, gets really loud and passionate).

Wondering if anyone else has experienced something like this, I know a weekend getaway is relaxing for everyone but would love that version of her to come out every once in a while even on the weekends at home.

The comment section was really fun with this one. Basically, everyone said it's hard to "do it" when home reminds you of your daily to-do list. With that said, why stop at hotels? Maybe your local Walmart could use some entertainment. By the way, for legal reasons, please nobody have sex at Walmart because of us β€” do it because your heart compels you. Anyways, if you want more action at home, try helping clean up before and after sex. It's not enough for you to just wipe your butt and a few push-ups beforehand. If you really want to make her go crazy, promise to throw in the sheets alongside another dirty hamper load when you're done.

Check out last week's edition here.

[Image credit: Danny Mwebaza]


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