Lea Michele Responds To Rumors She Can’t Read, But Still Doesn't Say She Can

Lea Michele Responds To Rumors She Can’t Read, But Still Doesn't Say She Can
If you're going to deny rumors that you're illiterate, you do kind of need to actually deny them.
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Celebrities are the subject of rumors all the time — about their love lives, their cosmetic work or lack thereof, their behavior toward colleagues and more. But it’s not every day that they have to publicly address rumors that they can’t read.

Jokes have littered the internet for years about Lea Michele — star of “Glee” and, soon, “Funny Girl” on Broadway, replacing Beanie Feldstein — and her alleged inability to read. The joke arose when Naya Rivera, her late costar on “Glee,” wrote in her memoir that Michele had refused to improvise during a scene. Because Michele never publicly commented on that story, the hosts of podcast “One More Thing” joked that the only explanation for her silence must be that she couldn’t read.

In today’s New York Times profile of the actress, Michele said this of the rumors:

I went to “Glee” every single day; I knew my lines every single day. And then there’s a rumor online that I can’t read or write? It’s sad. It really is. I think often if I were a man, a lot of this wouldn’t be the case.

Look: there’s no real credible evidence that Michele can’t read. The rumors that she can’t are silly and not to be believed — and I don’t think people really do believe them. But to address the rumors without even stating that she can read is… well, it’s very funny, and it has done nothing to quell the rumors. (Not to mention the assertion that the joke is rooted in sexism: in today’s himbo economy, I for one feel fairly certain a man would be just as likely to be the subject of the same rumor.)


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