‘Elite’ Couples Making Earth-Saving Babies, And This Week's Other Best Memes, Ranked

‘Elite’ Couples Making Earth-Saving Babies, And This Week's Other Best Memes, Ranked
An "elite" couple that thinks it's their job to make babies, a flood of Wes Anderson memes, making fun of Netflix's "Love is Blind" fiasco, speculating who the next James Bond is going to be and getting up close and personal with Drew Barrymore.
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Here at Digg, we try our best to cover the most important and confounding memes that come across the timeline. But the web is littered with tons of great memes that never quite hit the mainstream and instead just bounce around the weird corners of Twitter or Reddit. Enter our recurring feature, Memes, Ranked.

This week, we’ve got parents who think their children are going to save humanity, people sending in their preliminary picks for the new James Bond, dunks on Netflix for lagging and some TikTok tributes to Wes Anderson.

5. New James Bond

The meme

Lots of rumors are flying around about who the next James Bond is going to be, and which director is going to get the gig. if you'd like to cosplay as Bond, and have around $90 million, you can purchase a very big house that was in the films. Adding to the speculation, one casting directors, Debbie McWilliams said that a younger Bond character didn't exist because younger actors didn't have the "gravitas" and "mental capacity" to take on the role. Variety reblogged the original and added an ingenious take: "James Bond fans can expect a relatively unknown male in his 30s to take over the 007 role." A quote-tweet bait without an explicit call-to-action? Well done.


4. Drew Barrymore interviews

The meme

Barrymore's "The Drew Barrymore Show" has over the past few years become one of the internet's favorite pastimes. We've had wild audience segments, Drew and Corey Feldman talking about their first date and Aubrey Plaza and Drew being delightful time and again, among many other memorable moments. As wholesome as Drew is, one simply can't escape the memes once you've gained enough steam online. The jokes about Drew center around the notion of her being quite the empath, and her warm (too warm?) body-language. We're glad to see Drew doing her thing, and happy that everyone's having a laugh about it too.


Adwait Patil

3. Wes Anderson

The meme

Wes Anderson's coming out with a new film soon, but that's never stopped young auteurs from convincing themselves they're the next Wes Anderson. You know what? Think bigger, you're all better than him anyway.


Adwait Patil

2. Netflix's 'Love is Blind' delay

The meme

Netflix really dropped the ball when airing the "Love is Blind" finale. Their livestream did not go off without a hitch; in fact, there were many hitches and the show did not start on time. This ruffled a lot of feathers, and kicked off what was maybe the best night of Twitter for fans of both memes and reality TV. For context, the below tweet explains what officially happened (with a "Succession" meme thrown in for good measure). By the end of the year, we expect this "LIB" fiasco to be one of the memes of the year.


Jared Russo

1. Elite Kids

The meme

Earlier this week, a Telegraph article — about pro-natalist, so-called "elite" couples that consider reproducing as much as possible their duty to humankind — went viral. There’s a lot to say about the piece — from its apparent pro-eugenicist sentiment, to the argument that having lots of children might not be what's best for planet earth — but for some people, the most attention-grabbing aspect of the story was the photo of the couple interviewed.

It wasn't long before Twitter users were putting forward their own "elite" couples whose offspring could save humanity.


Darcy Jimenez

And if you're hungry for more memes, here's the last edition of "The Week's Best Memes, Ranked," where we ranked some harmless AI generated scenes, delusional right-wingers posting baby pics and a spoiler free buffet of "Succession" memes.


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