This Reddit Thread About The Unspoken Rules Of Social Etiquette Will Make You Feel Like 'Curb Your Enthusiasm' Is A Documentary
There are certain rules we don't learn in school but expect others to know — and it can be infuriating when people constantly break these common-sense standards of etiquette.
In every episode of "Curb Your Enthusiasm", Larry David tries to bring attention to these rules — like what's the cut-off time to call someone on the phone?
In a viral Reddit thread, Redditor /u/HAXposed questioned the r/AskReddit community about some of the most frequently broken unspoken rules that drives them crazy and many people came forward to share their biggest social etiquette pet peeves.
After culling through more than 27,000 comments, here were some of the most interesting responses from the thread.
Let People Know You Have Them On Speakerphone
Cover Your Mouth When You Sneeze
If Someone Pays For You, Don't Make Them Ask You To Pay Them Back
If Someone Is Hosting You, Don't Insult Their Home
Stand Six Feet From The Airport Luggage Carousel
Don't Be A Close Talker
Put Away Your Shopping Cart When You're Done
Don't Block The Footpaths
Don't Block The Elevator Exit
Don't Stand In Front Of Stairs
Don't Stand In Front Of Doorways
Don't Hog The Aisle With Your Grocery Cart
Don't Smoke In Someone's House Without Asking
Don't Play Your Music In Public
Re-Rack Your Weights At The Gym
Don't Guilt Trip Someone For Not Drinking
Respect People's Right To Say No
Don't Go Through Someone's Phone When They Let You Borrow It
Alert People That You (Or Your Kid) Is Sick Before Hanging Out
[Read more of the unspoken rules of social etiquette on r/AskReddit]