30–50 Feral Hogs (And Memes About Them) Have Taken Over Social Media

​There's a megameme in our midst.

Early Monday afternoon, an exchange played out (in the wake of two mass shootings over the weekend,  by the way) that yielded the requisite materials to launch a meme from "funny phrase" to "the only thing on your Twitter timeline."


That's right. This man has a question to pose to rural Americans everywhere: how should he go about killing the 30–50 feral hogs that run into his yard (within three to five minutes) while his sma–

Wait a second. Did you just hear that?

30–50 feral hogs

That's right. "30–50 feral hogs." Say it out loud. Write it down. 

Or, better yet, meme it. That's what Twitter is doing right now, and it's marvelous. Take a look at some of these beautiful, hilarious memes inspired by one man's horrible, unmanageable hog problem.









Meta Memes

One classic and simple pasttime: combining the latest meme with old favorites. In the case of the hogs, it's extra easy.









Musical Hog Memes

It's actually impressive how many songs can easily accommodate the words "30–50 feral hogs" being shoehorned into their lyrics.







Will They Last?

There are even memes about hilariously short and easily-forgotten meme cycle. 30–50 Hogs are nothing if not self aware.




Will we be laughing at this meme tomorrow? I think so. In this humble memeologist's opinion, the phrase "30–50 hogs" is simply made of the kinds of sounds that make a person laugh. It might be funny forever. Or maybe not! No one knows.

But I do know this: they're here not. Instead of thinking of ways to get rid of them, we could choose to just enjoy their presence.

<p>Joey Cosco is Digg's Social and Branded Content Editor</p>

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